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A Few Recipes To Try With A Bread Machine

A Few Recipes To Try With A Bread Machine

Reasons To Use A Bread Machine

When you begin reading bread machine reviews, you might wonder what all the fuss is about with the appliance. This is a machine that has paddles that will blend the dough together before the bread is baked. It sits on the counter without taking up a lot of space. The machine is easy to assemble and can make numerous types of bread, such as pizza dough and dinner rolls. There is less time that is spent kneading the dough and getting it ready to bake. Even though you aren’t as hands-on with the dough, the results are the same with the fresh taste and the delicate crust. When bread is kneaded in a machine, the texture is often finer, and the bread usually rises higher.

Cranberry Bread

You can enjoy a delightful bread that has hints of fruit inside when you add cranberries to the ingredients that are used to make the dough. Cornmeal can also be added along with a bit of honey for a slightly sweet flavor to the bread. This is an ideal recipe for Thanksgiving or Christmas as the cranberry flavor shines through with the other dishes that are prepared.

Herb Bread

Instead of the traditional white or wheat bread, you can add a few flavors that pair nicely with meats, cheeses and other items by simply using a few herbs. Basil, olive oil and parsley are good ingredients to use with the dough. Try to mince the herbs as small as possible as you don’t want large pieces in the bread. If the pieces are larger, then they tend to discolor the bread and make the dough fall apart when it’s baking.

Bread Bowls

If you monitor the bread while it’s baking, then you can form it to where it looks like a bowl. Leave the bread in the machine long enough for it to get a golden crust on the outside so that it can stand up to the items that you put in the bowl, such as soup or chili. There are a few bread machine reviews that give details about the best flour to use for making these bowls.

Caramel Apple

If you want a sweet bread that everyone in the family will enjoy, then consider adding diced apples and caramel to the dough that you make. Don’t over-bake the bread as it can cause the caramel to burn. Only about half a cup of caramel is needed as it will begin to expand through the bread while it’s baking. You can add a cup of pecans to the dough as well to give the bread texture and a delightful crunch. When you take the bread from the machine, you can put cream cheese on top, drizzle it with more caramel or even add a few whole apple slices. This is a sweet treat that is ideal for the fall season or for enjoying as a snack after school or after work.


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