Deciding to juice is step one. Choosing the right machine is step two. It is impossible to try them all before you buy and sifting through all the reviews (that you can find on greatplainsexaminer.com) is time consuming. So, this article will help by providing a summary of the research on the best juicers on the market in 2018.
The first thing that you need to know is that there are masticating and extracting machines. Masticating models are also called cold press juicers. Their juice making process takes a little longer but they produce more juice and leave more of the nutrients. They are the best if you are going to use tough leafy greens like kale. They do cost more than extractors. Extracting machines are centrifugal juicers that spin juice from the pulp. These work best on fruits and on vegetables that are softer. They are quicker, more convenient, and less expensive than masticators but produce less juice and separate the fiber from the nutrients.
Now that you know the basics, you can better match the juicer to your needs. Below is a list of the most highly rated and reviewed juicers on the market today.
Omega Nutrition Center
This masticating machine is the best of the best and appears at the top of many lists. It has a unique slow spinning action that does not damage any part of the fruits or vegetables so you get more benefits with less waste. It can handle even the toughest fruits and vegetables and can be unclogged easily using the reverse action. It has multiple settings so that it can also grind, chop, and puree, and an external pulp collector which is easy to clean. It is dishwasher safe.
Breville Juice Fountain
This is an extraction model that is also on most “best” lists. It is durable and reliable and comes with a number of guarantees. It is very efficient with a few speeds but not as many functions as some of the other brands. However, it costs less than the others with similar features.
Cuisinart Die Cast Juice Extractor
This model is a mid-level extractor. It is durable and high powered and can handle most fruits and vegetables on any of its 5 speeds. The only issues are that it weighs 14 pounds so it is not easy to move and it has a very narrow feeding chute.
Hamilton Beach Big Mouth Juice Extractor
Hamilton Beach is a recognized name in small appliances and their Big Mouth juicer is a very popular model. This model is best known for its power and extra wide feeding chute. It does have limited functions but is lower priced so perfect for those on a tight budget. It is also very easy to clean.
Aicok Slow Masticating Juicer
This is one of the new brands but it performs very well. It is simply a basic mid-priced masticator with only one speed and no additional functions.