Home Lifestyle Tips and Tricks to Keep Things Interesting in the Bedroom

Tips and Tricks to Keep Things Interesting in the Bedroom

Tips and Tricks to Keep Things Interesting in the Bedroom

Let’s be honest, we all get bored pretty easily when we go through the same routines over and over, and this includes our favorite bedroom activities. Think of it as food, it can easily grow stale and bland without a little heat and spice every once in a while. Keeping that in mind, here are some tips and tricks to keep everything a little more interesting in the bedroom.


Make Small Changes

It seems like too simple a trick to be that effective, but if there is one thing to learn in bedroom play, this is it. Simple changes are key to keeping life in the bedroom, and keeping your partner on their toes. It’s an easy way to keep things electric. A few ideas are changing up the time and duration of your romantic time together. Whether it be a quick little wrestle in the middle of the day, or a long passionate night of intimacy, this is surefire way to spice up your day. While you’re at it, a change of location changes everything about the game, even if it’s just moving from the bed to the floor. Changing up the angles is great too. (Quick tip: if holding different angles and positions is uncomfortable for you, try using pillows to help support the body in these new and exciting shapes, just to help relieve some of that pressure). A surefire way to establish changing everything up a little is to throw in a ban period. Forbid the stale and old routines for a short period of time, to guarantee that both partners have to find some new ways to peak each others interest. In fact, just the fact that it’s forbidden can electrify your old ways.


Make It All A Game

Who doesn’t love a game every now and then? And what better game than one that can burn a few calories with a little steam? Every trick in the book for bed can be turned into a game. Whether it’s making a friendly bet with each other that reaps a sensual reward for the winner, or finding little rules to make undressing each other a little more exciting, there are an unimaginable amount of games that you can create. They can be small, quick games to simply get you to the deed, or a game that lasts the whole night long. This can also be a great way to try each other’s fantasies or the “maybe” activities and toys like 성인용품 you have talked about.

If there is any crucial lesson to this article, it’s being open to exploring your partner and the little ways that you get down to business in the bedroom. Whether in simple and small, or extreme and large ways, nothing is more exciting than a little change.

You can also check out some awesome videos on youtube to get a few more sexy tips, for instance: